Man with Smallpox |
The Demon in the Freezer is everything I hoped it'd be. Preston writes in such a way that you can't help but just to be engrossed in the story. He even makes jokes about the characters he really makes them come alive. I've learned from the book what exactly smallpox does to you and how it came about. It is a graphic process that makes you really feel bad for those who had to go through it. It makes you really feel grateful for the people who worked so hard to create a vaccine for smallpox.Those scientists used many methods to keep the smallpox from spreading. When a case was reported, the doctors and scientists would vaccinate up to 30,000 people that lived around the case (that's A LOT of people!). I also learned that there was a threat of a biological weapon when President Bush was in power. The threat was from the Soviet Union, and the U.S. was informed of this by British Intelligence. The eradication, and even threat of a biological weapon most definitely had an impact on history and science. No longer was it a major feat for science, the smallpox eradication 1979 saved many from pain and suffering. The threat from the Soviet Union prepared the United States to handle a weapon that can kill invisibly. It's almost scary to think that a weapon like that could be around without being known about!! I'm learning a lot and can't wait to finish!
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Smallpox Facts
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